
How to Decompose a Tree Stump Naturally

Jan 27, 2025

If you’ve got an old tree stump lurking in your yard like a stubborn guest who won’t take the hint, you’re not alone. Here in Georgia, we love our towering oaks and pecan trees. That is, until they’re reduced to ankle-twisting, lawnmower-destroying nuisances.
Sure, you could call in the pros from a reputable tree company, but why not let Mother Nature lend a hand? In this brief article brough to you by Arbor & Acre, we’d like to chat about why stumps got to go and how to decompose them the natural way – no heavy machinery required.
For those who are trying to make the most of the trees on the lot, there’s Arbor & Acre’s tree care services. Let’s make sure your trees are more than a stump.

Why You Should Give That Stump a One-Way Ticket to “Mulchville”

Picture this: It’s Saturday afternoon and you’re hosting a backyard shindig when Cousin Earl takes a tumble over that half-hidden stump. Stumps are like landmines for toes, kids’ bikes, and lawnmower blades – but that’s not all.
With Georgia’s humidity, that stump is like a welcome mat for wood-munching bugs. In fact, that rotting stump is basically a VIP lounge for termites, beetles, and rodents. And guess what?

Those critters might RSVP to your house next. 

Safety hazards aside, that stump is downright ugly. They’re like a missing front tooth in an otherwise perfect smile. Plus, that stump’s hogging prime real estate where your azaleas or tomato plants could thrive.
Now that we agree that stump’s gotta go, let’s look at some tree stump removal tricks – the natural way!

1.    Epsom Salt: Slow and Steady

For this method, you’ll need Epsom salt, water, tarp, and a drill. Begin by drilling half-inch holes 8 inches deep all over the stump. Now that the stump looks like Swiss cheese, mix Epsom salt with water to make a slurry (like the consistency of grits). Pour this into the holes and cover the stump with a tarp.
Check back in 6 to 12 months and you’ll notice that the stump will crumble like cornbread. This is because the magnesium sulfate in the Epsom Salt will have sucked the moisture out of the stump.

2.    Speed the Rot with a Plastic Tarp

We went over the dry route; now let’s look at the other extreme. Chop the stump as low as possible and soak it with a hose. You want it real wet. Next, wrap it tightly in a black tarp and weigh down the edges.
The idea here is to trap heat and moisture so that we can speed up the rotting process. Lift the tarp every few weeks to add water or compost tea (microbes love that stuff!).

3.    Turn Stump into Supper for Soil

Why rot the stump or crumble it if you can turn it into useful compost instead? Drill holes in the stump just like with the Epsom salt method, but fill the holes with nitrogen sources. Pile mulch and compost around the stump to keep it damp. Within a few months, you’ll have compost to enrich your soil with!

Hire the Professionals for Instant Relief

If you’re not interested in spending all that time and energy, then cut to the chase by hiring tree service professionals to get rid of that stump for you.
The tree care specialists at Arbor & Acre offer a wide range of services from pruning and trimming to stump and tree removal. Call or message us today to schedule an appointment or request urgent assistance.

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